edge cases in Java expect null instead of empty list, this is not according to spec, and is a knife in the back of users that use recursion to solve this problem ;)
Trying this in C++.
Seems that the algo you want is a bit 'oriented' => tried a solution that gives the sames results on many tests cases but... not the same amount of the 'same' rectangles (meaning, for example, (3*2) coming 2 times on your sol and 3 times in mine) for a few...
Hi, i am pretty new on codewars. I have tried this kata but I am always time out... I have tried several different approach but can't find how to reduce the cost of the algorithm... Would not mind for some suggestions. I do not know if I need to post my code.
damn.. redbull diet?)
Hi, a Kata a day.. remember?)
Read this: https://www.codewars.com/kata/58b22dc7a5d5def60300002a/discuss#5e7abc31751857002e8940fd
JavaScript translation
approved by
Now all languages except java expect an empty list/array.
I suggest to update java version.
actually, it's worse, each translation has its own specific result type for edge cases, this is horrible
edge cases in Java expect
instead of empty list, this is not according to spec, and is a knife in the back of users that use recursion to solve this problem ;)Python update: https://www.codewars.com/kumite/647bacb6918867004b779cd8?sel=647bacb6918867004b779cd8
Trying this in C++.
Seems that the algo you want is a bit 'oriented' => tried a solution that gives the sames results on many tests cases but... not the same amount of the 'same' rectangles (meaning, for example,
coming 2 times on your sol and 3 times in mine) for a few...with spoiler flag, then
This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution
Hi, i am pretty new on codewars. I have tried this kata but I am always time out... I have tried several different approach but can't find how to reduce the cost of the algorithm... Would not mind for some suggestions. I do not know if I need to post my code.
You're welcome.
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