a lot of the people on this platform don't know the math, it is very hard for them
this whole thng can be done with simple trial and error.
tbh, i just did it using trial and error, i dind't know the math either
the whole thing can be doe using trial and error
if it doesn't have 8 rows and 8 columns, it is not a chessboard
um i don't understand how??? i have looked at it for a while and i can't figure it out. i mostly d ojava, but javascript is really simiar.
actually nevermind
This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution
ok fine, i get your point , and this kata has been rertied allready , but their are katas that are far easier, such as "Get nth even number"
i mean the postive ratings, 0% of people gave a positive rathing, translateing to 100% of responders hate it, right?
why does eveyone hate it? am i doing something wrong?
sorry, avoid java for now, working on it! (now good)
and whats boilerplate?
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a lot of the people on this platform don't know the math, it is very hard for them
this whole thng can be done with simple trial and error.
tbh, i just did it using trial and error, i dind't know the math either
the whole thing can be doe using trial and error
if it doesn't have 8 rows and 8 columns, it is not a chessboard
um i don't understand how??? i have looked at it for a while and i can't figure it out. i mostly d ojava, but javascript is really simiar.
actually nevermind
This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution
This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution
ok fine, i get your point , and this kata has been rertied allready , but their are katas that are far easier, such as "Get nth even number"
i mean the postive ratings, 0% of people gave a positive rathing, translateing to 100% of responders hate it, right?
why does eveyone hate it?
am i doing something wrong?
sorry, avoid java for now, working on it!
(now good)
and whats boilerplate?
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