
Prefer to remove the 'using std::' stuff

generateRandomNumber: Should not initialize rd and mtt etc... for each generation call => make it static. Same with the base string

hasDuplicateDigits: using bitset instead of std::vector<bool> ... avoid like to allocate on a simple test. And use accumulate ?

isNumeric: prefer to use '::isdigit' in std::all_of (defined in <cctype>). Uses locale, but who cares ??

checkGuess: std::pair is defined in <utility>; and prefer to directly initialize the return structure with a binding if one likes...

acceptGuess :
made a default max counter of attempts
reworked the main loop (do{ ..... } while ()); note an invalid attempt is an attempt so one should increment the #attempts anyway

.. and last : use fmt/format (or std::format in C++20), with predefined messages out of the code lines, for further translation

  • #include <fmt/format.h>
    #include <iostream>
    #include <cstdlib>
    #include <ctime>
    #include <vector>
    #include <bitset>
    #include <algorithm>
    #include <cmath>
    #include <cctype>
    #include <random>
    static const std::string msgs[]={
      "Enter your guess (a 4-digit number with non-repeating digits): ",
      "Correct numbers: {} Correct position: {}",
      "Congratulations! You guessed the number {} correctly in {} attempts!",
      "Oups.. You could not guess the number in {} attempts!",
      "Invalid input. Please enter a 4-digit number with non-repeating digits."
    // Initialize random number generator outside functions
    static std::random_device rd;  // Obtain a random number from hardware
    static std::mt19937 g(rd());   // Seed the generator
    std::string generateRandomNumber() {
        static std::string base{"0123456789"}; 
        // Shuffle digits
        std::shuffle(base.begin(), base.end(), g);
        // Return the first 4 digits as a string
        return base.substr(0,4);
    bool hasDuplicateDigits(const std::string &number) {
        return std::accumulate(number.cbegin(),number.cend(), std::bitset<10>{0},
                             [](auto &bs,auto c) {return bs.set(c-'0');}
    bool isNumeric(const std::string &s) {
        return std::all_of(s.begin(), s.end(), ::isdigit);
    std::string getUserGuess(std::istream &in = std::cin, std::ostream &out = std::cout) {
        std::string guess;
        out << msgs[0];
        in >> guess;
        return guess;
    std::pair<int, int> checkGuess(const std::string &randomNumber, const std::string &userGuess) {
        std::pair<int, int> ret {0,0};
        for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
            if (randomNumber[i] == userGuess[i]) {
                ++std::get<0>(ret), ++std::get<1>(ret);
            } else if (std::count(randomNumber.begin(), randomNumber.end(), userGuess[i])) {
        return ret;
    int acceptGuess(const std::string &expected, std::istream &in = std::cin, std::ostream &out = std::cout, int maxattempts=20) {
        int attempts = 0;
        std::pair status{0,0};
        do {
            std::string userGuess = getUserGuess(in, out);
            if (userGuess.length() != 4 || hasDuplicateDigits(userGuess) || !isNumeric(userGuess)) {
                out << msgs[4] << std::endl;
            } else {
              status = checkGuess(expected, userGuess);
              out << fmt::format(msgs[1],status.first,status.second) << std::endl;
        } while (status.second!=4 && attempts<maxattempts);
        if (attempts==maxattempts)
           out << fmt::format(msgs[3],attempts)<< std::endl;
           out << fmt::format(msgs[2],expected,attempts)<< std::endl;
        return attempts;
    int _main(std::istream &in = std::cin, std::ostream &out = std::cout) {
        // Seed rand since random_shuffle _probably_ uses it.
        std::string randomNumber = generateRandomNumber();
        acceptGuess(randomNumber, in, out);
        return 0;
    • #include <fmt/format.h>
    • #include <iostream>
    • #include <cstdlib>
    • #include <ctime>
    • #include <vector>
    • #include <bitset>
    • #include <algorithm>
    • #include <cmath>
    • #include <cctype>
    • #include <random>
    • using std::cin;
    • using std::cout;
    • using std::endl;
    • using std::istream;
    • using std::make_pair;
    • using std::mt19937;
    • using std::ostream;
    • using std::pair;
    • using std::random_device;
    • using std::string;
    • using std::vector;
    • string generateRandomNumber() {
    • vector<char> digits = {'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9'};
    • // Initialize random number generator
    • random_device rd; // Obtain a random number from hardware
    • mt19937 g(rd()); // Seed the generator
    • static const std::string msgs[]={
    • "Enter your guess (a 4-digit number with non-repeating digits): ",
    • "Correct numbers: {} Correct position: {}",
    • "Congratulations! You guessed the number {} correctly in {} attempts!",
    • "Oups.. You could not guess the number in {} attempts!",
    • "Invalid input. Please enter a 4-digit number with non-repeating digits."
    • };
    • // Initialize random number generator outside functions
    • static std::random_device rd; // Obtain a random number from hardware
    • static std::mt19937 g(rd()); // Seed the generator
    • std::string generateRandomNumber() {
    • static std::string base{"0123456789"};
    • // Shuffle digits
    • shuffle(digits.begin(), digits.end(), g);
    • std::shuffle(base.begin(), base.end(), g);
    • // Return the first 4 digits as a string
    • return string(digits.begin(), digits.begin() + 4);
    • return base.substr(0,4);
    • }
    • bool hasDuplicateDigits(const string &number) {
    • vector<bool> seen(10, false);
    • for (const auto c : number) {
    • if (seen[c - '0']) return true;
    • seen[c - '0'] = true;
    • }
    • return false;
    • bool hasDuplicateDigits(const std::string &number) {
    • return std::accumulate(number.cbegin(),number.cend(), std::bitset<10>{0},
    • [](auto &bs,auto c) {return bs.set(c-'0');}
    • ).count()!=number.size();
    • }
    • bool isNumeric(const string &s) {
    • return all_of(s.begin(), s.end(), [](char c){ return isdigit(c); });
    • bool isNumeric(const std::string &s) {
    • return std::all_of(s.begin(), s.end(), ::isdigit);
    • }
    • string getUserGuess(istream &in = cin, ostream &out = cout) {
    • string guess;
    • out << "Enter your guess (a 4-digit number with non-repeating digits): ";
    • std::string getUserGuess(std::istream &in = std::cin, std::ostream &out = std::cout) {
    • std::string guess;
    • out << msgs[0];
    • in >> guess;
    • return guess;
    • }
    • pair<int, int> checkGuess(const string &randomNumber, const string &userGuess) {
    • int correctNumbers = 0;
    • int correctPosition = 0;
    • std::pair<int, int> checkGuess(const std::string &randomNumber, const std::string &userGuess) {
    • std::pair<int, int> ret {0,0};
    • for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
    • if (randomNumber[i] == userGuess[i]) {
    • correctNumbers++;
    • correctPosition++;
    • } else if (count(randomNumber.begin(), randomNumber.end(), userGuess[i])) {
    • correctNumbers++;
    • ++std::get<0>(ret), ++std::get<1>(ret);
    • } else if (std::count(randomNumber.begin(), randomNumber.end(), userGuess[i])) {
    • ++std::get<0>(ret);
    • }
    • }
    • return make_pair(correctNumbers, correctPosition);
    • return ret;
    • }
    • int acceptGuess(const string &expected, istream &in = cin, ostream &out = cout) {
    • int acceptGuess(const std::string &expected, std::istream &in = std::cin, std::ostream &out = std::cout, int maxattempts=20) {
    • int attempts = 0;
    • while (true) {
    • string userGuess = getUserGuess(in, out);
    • std::pair status{0,0};
    • do {
    • std::string userGuess = getUserGuess(in, out);
    • if (userGuess.length() != 4 || hasDuplicateDigits(userGuess) || !isNumeric(userGuess)) {
    • out << "Invalid input. Please enter a 4-digit number with non-repeating digits." << endl;
    • continue;
    • out << msgs[4] << std::endl;
    • } else {
    • status = checkGuess(expected, userGuess);
    • out << fmt::format(msgs[1],status.first,status.second) << std::endl;
    • }
    • auto [corNum, corPos] = checkGuess(expected, userGuess);
    • out << "Correct numbers: " << corNum << " Correct position: " << corPos << endl;
    • attempts++;
    • if (corPos == 4) {
    • out << "Congratulations! You guessed the number " << expected << " correctly in " << attempts << " attempts!" << endl;
    • break;
    • }
    • }
    • } while (status.second!=4 && attempts<maxattempts);
    • if (attempts==maxattempts)
    • out << fmt::format(msgs[3],attempts)<< std::endl;
    • else
    • out << fmt::format(msgs[2],expected,attempts)<< std::endl;
    • return attempts;
    • }
    • int _main(istream &in = cin, ostream &out = cout) {
    • int _main(std::istream &in = std::cin, std::ostream &out = std::cout) {
    • // Seed rand since random_shuffle _probably_ uses it.
    • srand(static_cast<unsigned>(time(0)));
    • string randomNumber = generateRandomNumber();
    • std::string randomNumber = generateRandomNumber();
    • acceptGuess(randomNumber, in, out);
    • return 0;
    • }

Actuallly ... accumulates returns... what you specify ??

  • #include <vector>
    #include <numeric>
    template <typename T> using add_t=decltype(T() + T());
    template <typename T = double>
    add_t<T> sum(const std::vector<T>& v) {
      return std::accumulate(v.cbegin(),v.cend(),add_t<T>{0});
    • #include <vector>
    • #include <numeric>
    • template <typename T> using add_t=decltype(T() + T());
    • template <typename T = double>
    • decltype(T() + T()) sum(const std::vector<T>& v) {
    • decltype(T() + T()) res = 0;
    • for (const T &num : v) res += num;
    • return res;
    • add_t<T> sum(const std::vector<T>& v) {
    • return std::accumulate(v.cbegin(),v.cend(),add_t<T>{0});
    • }
  • #include <vector>
    #include <numeric>
    std::vector<int> gradient(const std::vector<int> &v) {
      std::vector<int> dv(v.size());
      return dv;
    • #include <vector>
    • #include <numeric>
    • std::vector<int> gradient(const std::vector<int> &v) {
    • std::vector<int> dv;
    • for (int i = 1; i < int(v.size()); i++)
    • dv.push_back(v[i]-v[i-1]);
    • std::vector<int> dv(v.size());
    • std::adjacent_difference(v.cbegin(),v.cend(),dv.begin());
    • dv.erase(dv.begin());
    • return dv;
    • }
  • #include <string>
    #include <numeric>
    std::string digest(const std::string& param) {
        return param.empty()? 
                 : std::accumulate(std::next(param.cbegin()),param.cend(),
                                   [](auto &s, auto c) {return s.append(" ").append(1,c);});
    • #include <string>
    • #include <fmt/ranges.h>
    • using namespace std;
    • string digest(const string& param) {
    • string ans = "";
    • if(param == "") {
    • return ans;
    • }
    • if(param[0] == ' ') {
    • ans = " ";
    • } else {
    • ans = param.substr(0, 1);
    • }
    • for(int i = 1; i < param.length(); i++) {
    • if(param[i] == ' ') {
    • ans += " ";
    • } else {
    • ans += " " + param.substr(i, 1);
    • }
    • }
    • return ans;
    • #include <numeric>
    • std::string digest(const std::string& param) {
    • return param.empty()?
    • param
    • : std::accumulate(std::next(param.cbegin()),param.cend(),
    • std::string(1,param[0]),
    • [](auto &s, auto c) {return s.append(" ").append(1,c);});
    • }
  • #include <numeric>
    #include <stdint.h>
    #include <vector>
    #include <range/v3/numeric/accumulate.hpp>
    int64_t add_arr(const std::vector<int32_t> &arr) {
      return ranges::accumulate(arr, (int64_t)0);
    • #include<numeric>
    • #include<stdint.h>
    • #include<vector>
    • #include <numeric>
    • #include <stdint.h>
    • #include <vector>
    • #include <range/v3/numeric/accumulate.hpp>
    • int64_t add_arr(const std::vector<int32_t> &arr) {
    • return std::reduce(arr.cbegin(), arr.cend(), 0);
    • return ranges::accumulate(arr, (int64_t)0);
    • }
  • #include <string>
    #include <algorithm>
    class Password{
            static bool atLeastOneOf(const std::string& pw,std::string_view sv);
            static bool testPassword(const std::string& password);
    bool Password::atLeastOneOf(const std::string& pw,std::string_view sv) {
      return std::any_of(pw.begin(),pw.end(),[&](char c){return sv.find(c)!=sv.npos;});
    bool Password::testPassword(const std::string& password) {
      return password.size()>7
        &&   atLeastOneOf(password,"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXZ")
        &&   atLeastOneOf(password,"0123456789")
        &&   atLeastOneOf(password,"!\"#$%&'()*+'-./;:<>=?");
    //  return cap && spec && digit && number;
    • #include <string>
    • #include <algorithm>
    • class Password{
    • public:
    • static bool hasCap(const std::string& password);
    • static bool hasSpec(const std::string& password);
    • static bool hasDigit(const std::string& password);
    • static bool hasLength(const std::string& password);
    • static bool atLeastOneOf(const std::string& pw,std::string_view sv);
    • static bool testPassword(const std::string& password);
    • };
    • bool Password::hasCap(const std::string& password)
    • {
    • bool result = false;
    • for(auto symbol : password)
    • {
    • if(symbol >= 'A' && symbol <= 'Z')
    • {
    • result = true;
    • break;
    • }
    • }
    • return result;
    • }
    • bool Password::hasSpec(const std::string& password)
    • {
    • bool result = false;
    • const std::string specials("!\"#$%&'()*+'-./;:<>=?");
    • for(auto spec : specials)
    • {
    • if(password.find(spec) != -1)
    • {
    • result = true;
    • break;
    • }
    • }
    • return result;
    • }
    • bool Password::hasDigit(const std::string& password)
    • {
    • bool result = false;
    • for(auto symbol : password)
    • {
    • if(symbol >= '0' && symbol <= '9')
    • {
    • result = true;
    • break;
    • }
    • }
    • return result;
    • }
    • bool Password::hasLength(const std::string& password)
    • {
    • return password.length() > 7;
    • bool Password::atLeastOneOf(const std::string& pw,std::string_view sv) {
    • return std::any_of(pw.begin(),pw.end(),[&](char c){return sv.find(c)!=sv.npos;});
    • }
    • bool Password::testPassword(const std::string& password)
    • {
    • bool cap = Password::hasCap(password);
    • bool spec = Password::hasSpec(password);
    • bool digit = Password::hasDigit(password);
    • bool number = Password::hasLength(password);
    • bool Password::testPassword(const std::string& password) {
    • return password.size()>7
    • && atLeastOneOf(password,"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXZ")
    • && atLeastOneOf(password,"0123456789")
    • && atLeastOneOf(password,"!\"#$%&'()*+'-./;:<>=?");
    • return cap && spec && digit && number;
    • // return cap && spec && digit && number;
    • }
  • void timeOut(){for(;;);}
    • void timeOut(){for(;;){}}
    • void timeOut(){for(;;);}
  • #include <string>
    #include <numeric>
    auto digest(const std::string& param) {
      if (param.empty()) return param; // Oh... should check there !!
      return std::accumulate(std::next(param.cbegin()),param.cend(),
                             std::string(1,param[0]), // Char initializer
                             [](auto &s, auto c) {
                               return s+std::string{{' ',c}}; // initializer_list string initializer
    • std::string digest(const std::string& param) {
    • std::string result;
    • result.reserve(param.size() * 2); // Ensure exactly one memory allocation
    • for (char letter: param) {
    • result.push_back(letter);
    • result.push_back(' ');
    • }
    • result.pop_back();
    • return result;
    • #include <string>
    • #include <numeric>
    • auto digest(const std::string& param) {
    • if (param.empty()) return param; // Oh... should check there !!
    • return std::accumulate(std::next(param.cbegin()),param.cend(),
    • std::string(1,param[0]), // Char initializer
    • [](auto &s, auto c) {
    • return s+std::string{{' ',c}}; // initializer_list string initializer
    • });
    • }

Just wanted to try & test this one :-)

  • #include <string>
    #include <array>
    #include <stdexcept>
    template <typename T>
    std::string calculator(int op, T x, T y) {
      try {
        std::array<std::function<T(T, T)>,5> ops{{
          [&](T x, T y) {if (y!=0) return x/y; else throw std::range_error{"Illegal divide by 0"};},
          [&](T x, T y) {if (y!=0) return x%y; else throw std::range_error{"Illegal modulus % 0"};},
        return std::to_string(,y)); // 'at()' will throw !!
      } catch (const std::out_of_range& e) {
        return "Invalid Input!";
      } catch (const std::range_error& e) {
        return "Invalid Input!";
    • #include <functional>
    • #include <string>
    • #include <array>
    • using namespace std;
    • #include <stdexcept>
    • template <typename T>
    • string calculator(int op, T x, T y) {
    • static array<std::function<T(T, T)>,5> ops{
    • plus<>{},minus<>{},multiplies<>{},divides<>{},modulus<>{},
    • };
    • static array<std::function<string()>, 2> func{
    • [&]() {return to_string(ops[op-1](x, y));},
    • [&]() {return "Invalid Input!";},
    • };
    • std::string calculator(int op, T x, T y) {
    • try {
    • return (op < 1 || op > 5 || (!y && (op == 4 || op == 5))) ? func[1]() : func[0]();
    • std::array<std::function<T(T, T)>,5> ops{{
    • std::plus<>{},
    • std::minus<>{},
    • std::multiplies<>{},
    • [&](T x, T y) {if (y!=0) return x/y; else throw std::range_error{"Illegal divide by 0"};},
    • [&](T x, T y) {if (y!=0) return x%y; else throw std::range_error{"Illegal modulus % 0"};},
    • }};
    • return std::to_string(,y)); // 'at()' will throw !!
    • } catch (const std::out_of_range& e) {
    • return "Invalid Input!";
    • } catch (const std::range_error& e) {
    • return "Invalid Input!";
    • }
    • }
  • #include <functional>
    #include <string>
    #include <array>
    using namespace std;
    template <typename T>
    string calculator(int op, T x, T y) {
      static array<std::function<T(T, T)>,5> ops{
      static array<std::function<std::string()>, 2> func{
        [&]() {return std::to_string(ops[op-1](x, y));},
        [&]() {return "Invalid Input!";},
      return func[op < 1 || op > 5 || (!y && (op == 4 || op == 5))]();
    • #include <functional>
    • #include <string>
    • #include <array>
    • using namespace std;
    • string calculator(int op, int x, int y) {
    • static array<std::function<int(int, int)>, 5> ops{
    • plus<int>(),
    • minus<int>(),
    • multiplies<int>(),
    • divides<int>(),
    • modulus<int>(),
    • template <typename T>
    • string calculator(int op, T x, T y) {
    • static array<std::function<T(T, T)>,5> ops{
    • plus<>{},minus<>{},multiplies<>{},divides<>{},modulus<>{},
    • };
    • if (op < 1 || op > 5 || (!y && (op == 4 || op == 5))) return "Invalid Input!";
    • return std::to_string(ops[op-1](x, y));
    • static array<std::function<std::string()>, 2> func{
    • [&]() {return std::to_string(ops[op-1](x, y));},
    • [&]() {return "Invalid Input!";},
    • };
    • return func[op < 1 || op > 5 || (!y && (op == 4 || op == 5))]();
    • }

IMHO it is strange to return true or false depending on a 'bool' condition

  • using System;
    public class LeapYears
      public static bool IsLeapYear(int year)
        return year % 4 == 0 && !(year%100==0 && year % 400 != 0);
    • using System;
    • public class LeapYears
    • {
    • public static bool IsLeapYear(int year)
    • {
    • // End of a century must be divisible by 400
    • if(year%100==0)
    • return year % 400 == 0;// Returns true if year divisible by 400, false otherwise
    • else if(year % 4 == 0)
    • return true;// Returns true if year divisible by 4 and not end of the century
    • else
    • return false;
    • return year % 4 == 0 && !(year%100==0 && year % 400 != 0);
    • }
    • }

Guess you could like this one too...

  • #include <algorithm>
    struct ParenAccumulator{
      int count{};
      bool operator()(const char c) {
        count+=(c == '('?1:c == ')'?-1:0);
        return count<0; 
      bool isBalanced() const {return count==0;}
    bool isBalanced(const std::string& s) {
      ParenAccumulator par;
      return std::none_of(s.cbegin(),s.cend(),std::ref(par)) 
          && par.isBalanced(); 
    • #include <algorithm>
    • bool isBalanced(const std::string& s) {
    • struct ParenAccumulator{
    • int count{};
    • if (std::any_of(s.cbegin(),s.cend(),[&](auto c){
    • bool operator()(const char c) {
    • count+=(c == '('?1:c == ')'?-1:0);
    • return count<0;
    • }))
    • return false;
    • return count==0;
    • return count<0;
    • }
    • bool isBalanced() const {return count==0;}
    • };
    • bool isBalanced(const std::string& s) {
    • ParenAccumulator par;
    • return std::none_of(s.cbegin(),s.cend(),std::ref(par))
    • && par.isBalanced();
    • }

What about this one ????


OK for using iterators, but then.... use algorithm as well, no ? And... let the compiler optimize

  • #include <algorithm>
    bool isBalanced(const std::string& s) {
      int count{};
      if (std::any_of(s.cbegin(),s.cend(),[&](auto c){
        count+=(c == '('?1:c == ')'?-1:0);
        return count<0;
        return false;
      return count==0;
    • #include <algorithm>
    • bool isBalanced(const std::string& s) {
    • int count = 0;
    • int count{};
    • if (std::any_of(s.cbegin(),s.cend(),[&](auto c){
    • count+=(c == '('?1:c == ')'?-1:0);
    • return count<0;
    • }))
    • return false;
    • //using iterators seem to produce faster results
    • auto it = s.cbegin();
    • auto end = s.cend();
    • while (it != end) {
    • if (*it == '(')
    • count++; // can't exit early for (
    • else if ((*it== ')') && (--count < 0)) // short circuit booleans
    • return false; //exit early for mismatched )
    • it++;
    • }
    • return count == 0;
    • return count==0;
    • }
  • bool isBalanced(const std::string& s) {
      int count = 0;
      for (const auto c: s) {
        if (count+= c=='(' ? +1: c==')'?-1:0; count <0)
          return false;
      return count == 0;
    • bool isBalanced(const std::string& s) {
    • int count = 0;
    • for (size_t i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) {
    • if (s[i] == '(') {
    • count++;
    • }
    • if (s[i] == ')') {
    • if (count <= 0) { return false; }
    • count--;
    • }
    • for (const auto c: s) {
    • if (count+= c=='(' ? +1: c==')'?-1:0; count <0)
    • return false;
    • }
    • return count == 0;
    • }

Assumes entry lists are sorted !!

  • #include <list>
    auto merge_list(const std::list<int>& a, const std::list<int>& b) {
      std::list<int> o{a};
      for(auto i : b) o.insert(std::lower_bound(o.begin(), o.end(), i), i);
      return o;
    • #include <algorithm>
    • #include <list>
    • #include <execution>
    • #include <iterator>
    • auto merge_list(const std::list<int>& a, const std::list<int>& b) {
    • std::list<int> o;
    • std::merge(
    • std::execution::seq,
    • a.begin(),
    • a.end(),
    • b.begin(),
    • b.end(),
    • std::back_inserter(o)
    • // std::less is default sort
    • );
    • std::list<int> o{a};
    • for(auto i : b) o.insert(std::lower_bound(o.begin(), o.end(), i), i);
    • return o;
    • }
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