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For an extension of this kata, see Squaredle solver
If you are stuck in random test, then try this test case. Otherwise it can be other issue in code.
I dedicate my soliton to the fan in my room that kept me cool during that hot process (java)
A very good and challenging 4 kya kata indeed
Great and funny kata on dynamic programming.
Writing your own minigame is always fun
Great kata, solved non-recursively!
Lo dejé de intentar hace meses, pero le daré otro intento a ver que tal :)
proba una forma recursiva. recorre el tablero y checkea si corresponde a la palabra, si lo es, revisa si alguna de las adyacentes corresponde a la siguiente letra y etc.
Usando las letras diagonales, se puede formar la palabra 'CEREAL'
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I need some help, I've made the challenge with Javascript, but I have no chance to submit because of this("Random tests"):
TypeError: board[x].map is not a function
at randomBoard
at /home/codewarrior/index.js:224:10
at /runner/frameworks/javascript/cw-2.js:152:11
at Promise._execute
at Promise._resolveFromExecutor
at new Promise
at describe
at /home/codewarrior/index.js:144:1
at /home/codewarrior/index.js:248:5
at Object.handleError
I have the same issue. How did U solve this?
My func modifies the board and this seems to persist across tests. That's pretty annoying
It should be passing all the simple tests as it is but it's failing.
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This is a fantastic kata. I saw it as an opportunity to brush up on recursion and data structures.
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