What a pleasure finishing this kata and looking at the sweet sweet solutions.
A 7kyu user complaining about a 7kyu kata being easy. Go do some 1kyu katas.
This was funny ;)
I know you already solved. But this solution is clearly invalid.
This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution
uuhhh I see what you did there. That's pretty cool
Thanks @stormhaul, just finished reading all the comments and someone mentions it. Feels like a punch in the gut. :'(
This made me really laugh. A random guy enters a dojo and challenges the master. lol
ez breeze
Made it in 72 chars. Can some one do it shorter?
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What a pleasure finishing this kata and looking at the sweet sweet solutions.
A 7kyu user complaining about a 7kyu kata being easy. Go do some 1kyu katas.
This was funny ;)
I know you already solved. But this solution is clearly invalid.
This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution
uuhhh I see what you did there. That's pretty cool
Thanks @stormhaul, just finished reading all the comments and someone mentions it. Feels like a punch in the gut. :'(
This made me really laugh. A random guy enters a dojo and challenges the master. lol
This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution
ez breeze
Made it in 72 chars. Can some one do it shorter?
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