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    Ruby 3.0 should be enabled, see this to learn how to do it

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    `each': failed to allocate memory (NoMemoryError)

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    If I get a error of:

    Process terminated, took too long to complete (6000ms)

    Could it be that my personal machine just can't go through all the random tests fast enough to count as complete?

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    something's wrong with the submission tests. I keep getting errors similar to "f(80422915, 97213654) 7143025344789318.0 should equal 3233922668760070.0"
    but my code returns the correct value (e.g. 3233922668760070.0)… easily verified by creating a local test in the editor

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    Where can I go to learn more about how to speed code up? It would be great if helpful resources were pointed out! Cheers!

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    The problem only makes sense in the context of integer numbers (n and m must be integer numbers).
    However, the random tests don't always use integer type, they use inputs such as 837461239.0, which is a float.
    That is misleading, and cause unnecessary headaches.
    Please be consistent, if the random tests are going to be float, then all tests must be.

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    keep getting "unknown error" or memory error from large number input
    f(83065750, 36664444)
    83065750.0 36664444.0
    in f

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    my code on this kata isn't able to get the same result like code running on my computer....

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    Your test in Python is broken because you implemented your own version of randint that returns floats. Semicolons aren't used in Python either. Please fix as below:

    from random import randint

    n, m = randint(min, max), randint(min, max)

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    Excuse me, but I presume the Python version has some problem with testing: I tried my code elsewhere and it works just fine (the solution it gives me matches the one suggested by the failed test), but no matter how many times I try, the tests are always off.

    Plus I don't get why it returns float results, but that is the lesser issue here.

    Could you check about that?

    Edit: basically the same exact code works perfectly fine on JS.

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