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    I copied your solution to be able to remember it. thanks: seems like a general approach

    (you know "copying is the most perfect form of flattery")

  • Default User Avatar

    find the error in my code, which is an involuntary proof of the fact that c++ version lacks tests!!!! (this code did not pass more complete c tests)

  • Default User Avatar

    Please! don't use m and n that are not even defined in this kata (you have to go to the 3 kyu versions to understand what they mean). Use launches and eggs, instead.

    Even better: copy the whole description of the kata!

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    missprint in java tests: function testSmallNumber2 is repeated two times -> compilation error

  • Default User Avatar

    Hi, I want to make as APPARENT as possible that I have COPIED your solution and submitted it(by mistake monhts ago.

    I realized this error just now because I was unable to remember my code.

    Even worst: I see that codewars does not allow deleting "your" solutions :( :( :( :( :(

    Congratulations for your solution.

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    easy points hehe