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    Its because at the very end there are non letters that they expect us to deal with. I believe its a string of "-.-"

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    What happens to empty_return if you call nato twice? Try console.log(nato("a")); console.log(nato("b")). What's the expected output? What's your output? If you can answer all those questions, you should be able to fix your problem. Also, please use code blocks to post code. Either ``` backticks:

    function helloWorld(){
      return "Hello, world!";

    Or indent your code by 4 spaces.

        function helloWorld(){
          return "Hello, world!";

    Good luck.

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    Ahem ;). That being said, you should provide more information. Which language, and what's your solution (mark as having spoiler content!)?

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    'Lambda' refers to either a keyword in some languages or an actual construct. In javascript, there are no 'lambdas', just functions in lambda-calculus-like format. Therefore, no.

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    You should always add both the code and the language. Otherwise one cannot help you. (Don't forget to mark your post as spoiler)