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    Ya, that must be an issue with what they use to error check java. I'll remove that symbol to avoid confusion in the future.

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    System.out.println display it as a "&()^%^**)^&%!@##@@!@#!@#@@&*&^^*^(^((((^^&^@#@!??" (copy - pasted). Those 2 last chars looks like question marks for me and at first I tought that by symbols you mean the standart ones. It might have a problem to display such characters so it change it to "replacement char".

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    Oh yes, that was intentional. The actual symbol is a §. Does the test case show it incorrectly?

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    oh forgot to mention. It was Java.

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    What language is are you doing?

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    Actually TestJustSymbols is kinda confusing.
    At first I thought that input string ends with two question marks, but when i've checked int value of that two last symbols it was 65533 - �. Didn't expect that. I think its a replacement character for wrong decoded sequence bytes . Did you set it on purpose? or it is an issue?