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    I have a doubt, any number multiplied by zero is zero right? So why if I multiply the (n) word by zero should it return the word repeated once, like in this test:

    For st = URM TablOWGQ HZPsTi IbmbWpqxYiMgoqisB u pHED NEbayRuBNKlVUNJJJ gjOnsc DTSZhHUpWekhmwXM uxSKQnTIZvZbsZRZFHDSxeo hAiTw evuqwSp hx lodhkRBkhK kZvVlR RousUDn u MxHXFibTMLcnN JsXZNzvMS VxwQGRMmjsFNVXKLZwj cCqXZyZZzkAgqCup mPunCNX uNRWDLwLQWgHVxk cCUUFqHWtVTJPeIfUu SulqDQVvVR CPPgVHfoGRG TikvQYoJGjZ q vjTZkAvPq
    loc = 20
    num = 0 <----------------------------------------------
    Result is not what expected
    to equal
    : cCqXZyZZzkAgqCup <-----------------------

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    when you think that there is not room from improvement, but then you see this!! This is art!!