El resultado está claro, pero... faltaría por declarar la librería a la que corresponde la función"abs()", es decir: #include <math.h>.
I think that the result/return is understandable, but... you have not declared the library for the use of the "abs()" function, I mean: #include <math.h>.
Flexing his shredded abs on us! Cool solution!
El resultado está claro, pero... faltaría por declarar la librería a la que corresponde la función"abs()", es decir: #include <math.h>.
I think that the result/return is understandable, but... you have not declared the library for the use of the "abs()" function, I mean: #include <math.h>.
Thanks a lot for your solution!
It's fancy, but it will make a function call and therefore be slower than other functions.
Very smart!
It is just another way to achieve the same result.
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Althought brackets arent necessary in this case they help to clarify the idea that lead to the solution :)
#include <stdlib.h>
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you rock!
Wow I feel so stupid for not doing this nice one fr.
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