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    this is fine???

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    This kata is a subject to deduplication process here:
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    The Clojure version is almost certainly broken.

    I just can 't see how the expected output in the random tests make sense.

    Given inputs

    ("zPEJS" "BFPxI" "," "," "," "," "vFhKk" "," "," "," "," "," "RHFQh" ".")

    It expects the result to be:

    "zPEJS BFPxI, ,, , vFhKk, ,, ,, RHFQh."

    This section makes no sense
    BFPxI, ,, , vFhKk

    Another example:


    ("NkVcr" "," "," "DlWOv" "beeOm" "," "WYCCh" "," "," "kfaEC" "IeGwS" "xellI" "." ".")


    "NkVcr, , DlWOv beeOm, WYCCh, , kfaEC IeGwS xellI."

    Why the spaces between the commas?

    Another example:

    ("fdNXT" "," "iiUuU" "," "," "," "," "," "," "xDLAz" "," "," "eywFI" "." ".")

    Expects this bizarness:
    "fdNXT, iiUuU, ,, ,, , xDLAz, , eywFI."

    What is going there? A Space after the comma, then 2 commas without a space, then a space, then 2 more without a space, then a space?

    It looks like any number of commas, has to be broken up into blocks of 2, and be surrounded by spaces. This is wrong.

    This is clearly broken.

    If it wants every pair of commas to treat the 2nd comma like a word, this makes no sense. A comma isn't a word.

    But this one breaks the above:

    Here the input is:

    ("Gjnjv" "lXgCV" "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "RtzYV" "ewWZE" "." ".")

    ANd it expects:

    "Gjnjv lXgCV,, ,, ,, , RtzYV ewWZE."
                ^^ why no space here between the 2 commas?

    IT seems different to the example above. Is it something to do with odd / even combinations of commas?

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    Why not write inputs in tests?

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    just re-wrote my Clojure code in Python (pretty much verbatum) and it passed all the tests. In both implementations word,,,,word --> word,,,,SPACE word.
    .. to me this is a correct and resonable interpretation of th rules.

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    Yes, I am facing the same confusion. I am certain I can make my program behave in the way the tests are demanding. What I really cannot understand is what interpreation of the rules would lead to the input output behaviour you documented, ie:
    word,,,,word --> word, ,, , word
    does not seem to follow from the rules. ( I am also working in Clojure )

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    No test cases composed of multiple sentences

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    Can someone explain why this:

    ["SWmBK" "," "," "," "," "aXeok" "," "EoULa" "," "," "dWnzl" "jckXr" "," "rTDdP"" yReZA" "." "." "."]

    Should result in

    "SWmBK, ,, , aXeok, EoULa, , dWnzl jckXr, rTDdP yReZA."

    Why the space afte rthe first comma, but no space between ,, but then a space after 3rd comma and then space after 4.

    This is in clojure

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    No random tests in JavaScript (at least).

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    Great kata! Thoroughly enjoyed, first in a while that's made me write way more code than I needed to, so will learn a good deal from this one.

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    Added random tests for python

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