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    @Spindle - Oh, thanks for that clarification. I have updated the Kata description to make "word" less ambiguous.

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    Outside of programming, "words" always means using 26 letters. So I think their complaint is that numeric digits and slashes can be part of a "word" in this problem, even though that's not the normal definition.

    I'm guessing they want something like "c0de/wars" or "dingl3/m0us3" as an example.

    When I first read the problem, I thought only letters would be used in a "word". But since the other characters were easy to include, I solved it without limiting my code to letters. Good thing, too!

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    Sorry, please tell me what special chars are you referring to?

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    Solved it, but would have appreciated having an initial test case that tested for special characters.
    Initially set it up to solve a 5x5 by converting to character codes and then got dismayed when I had to include special chars.