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    If you're on codewars to argue efficiency, you're probably in the wrong place.

    Premature optimization is the root of all evil - elegance and simplicity hold infinitely more value here.

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    It would've been nice if the tests given in the instructions were also given in the tests window. Not nice to have to write the tests out yourself if they could already have been given.

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    The function name knight doesn't seem very representative of its function output. How about renaming it knight_moves instead?

    Interesting problem and otherwise good kata!

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    Not so much a programming problem as much as an arduous data entry task. Perhaps add the map with data to the sample code already.

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    • Instructions unclear, needs better explanation, illustrations would help a lot too.
    • Typos in instructions
    • Not enough test cases
    • Solution available on wikipedia
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    This kata is rather badly worded. It's not checking for monotonic sequences. If that was the case, [3,2,1] should return True as well.

    It's checking for:

    whether for any x all successors are greater or equal to x

    And for that condition, [0, 1, 0] is true.

    Perhaps take it up with the author of the kata?

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    Your job is to check whether for any x all successors are greater or equal to x

    This is true for [0, 1, 0]. My function returns True. I don't see your problem.