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    Read the comments next time you find an issue.

    In the Java testcases, the expected and the actual are swapped around, so your solution is returning 0 and the expected answer is 2.

    Proven by the testcase

    assertEquals( "Nope!" , DRoot.digital_root(992), 2);
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    Issue with last Java test case:
    input is 992
    Says "got 2 but expected 0"
    9 + 9 + 2 = 20
    2 + 0 = 2

    The answer should be 2, unless the instructions are missing something.

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    Well, there are several asserts in each test case. There are people advocating one assert per test case, but I am not one of them.

    One test, for example, is:

      public void normalHappyFlow() {
        assertTrue("codewars can be created from code and wars", StringMerger.isMerge("codewars", "code", "wars"));
        assertTrue("codewars can be created from cdwr and oeas", StringMerger.isMerge("codewars", "cdwr", "oeas"));
        assertTrue("Making progress", StringMerger.isMerge("Making progress", "Mak pross", "inggre"));

    I don't see this as an issue, so I will remove the flag for now.

    If I misunderstood you, please let me know.

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    Each test case calls the function way more than once - I reduced my code to just System.out.println(s.length()) and it's printing sometimes 20 times for a single test case - each time with a different length for s.