judging by the date of the solution, I was just learning codewars to use codewars. Nowadays, I wouldnt attempt a solution like this because it's not in the spirit of the problem. However, because of the simplicity of the test cases, I was able to complete the Kata without learning the point being driven by the prompt.
I sleep very well, most nights, thank you for asking!
I was working on a timed coding challenge for a job today, less than 24 hours after completing this kata. The challenge involved finding permutations and combinations. While I did it the "hard way" to complete this challenge, for the time crunched interview, I went straight to itertools!
I believe there should be an itertools restriction on this code, being 4kyu. Using tools available is definitely an important skill as a coder, but is not in the spirit of this 4 kyu challenge. I was aware of itertools before starting this code, but I really wanted to challenge myself, which is why I made the effort to code without the library.
I wish there was a way to give a thumbs down to the code.
The funny thing about this solution causing contraversy is that the poster of this solution probably only wanted to "level up", and not really learn. Leveling up is certainly fun, and is what got me addicted to programming on this site. Ironically, all of these comments are actually improving this coders ranking on the site.
judging by the date of the solution, I was just learning codewars to use codewars. Nowadays, I wouldnt attempt a solution like this because it's not in the spirit of the problem. However, because of the simplicity of the test cases, I was able to complete the Kata without learning the point being driven by the prompt.
I sleep very well, most nights, thank you for asking!
I hate this...
I was working on a timed coding challenge for a job today, less than 24 hours after completing this kata. The challenge involved finding permutations and combinations. While I did it the "hard way" to complete this challenge, for the time crunched interview, I went straight to itertools!
I really like this approach. Very pythonic for a difficult algorithm!!!
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I believe there should be an itertools restriction on this code, being 4kyu. Using tools available is definitely an important skill as a coder, but is not in the spirit of this 4 kyu challenge. I was aware of itertools before starting this code, but I really wanted to challenge myself, which is why I made the effort to code without the library.
I wish there was a way to give a thumbs down to the code.
The funny thing about this solution causing contraversy is that the poster of this solution probably only wanted to "level up", and not really learn. Leveling up is certainly fun, and is what got me addicted to programming on this site. Ironically, all of these comments are actually improving this coders ranking on the site.
I'd appreciate comments here to explain the regex, but I love the strategy
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