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    Click reset, try again.

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    Read the first post (mmacak28) answer, he asked for the same test and I already answered there.

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    st = "Elijah,Chloe,Elizabeth,Matthew,Natalie,Jayden"
    we = [1, 3, 5, 5, 3, 6]
    n = 2

    //If A goes before C in the previous answer, I dont understand why Matthew is the right answer here where Elizabeth's winning number = Matthew's = 485..

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    You can make it happen yourself. Just print you own logs to see what is random input.

    Use System.out.println, console.log etc (whatever appropriate for your language)

    e.g. System.out.println(String.format("Input Moves %s", Arrays.deepToString(moves.toArray())));

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    Preloaded.WORDS is a string array, just like the description says

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    Hard to answer if you don't show the whole test set, if it is this one:
    rank('Aubrey,Olivai,Abigail,Chloe,Andrew,Elizabeth',[ 3, 1, 4, 4, 3, 2 ], 4 );
    You have miscalculated Elizabeth rank (not that it matters in this case), and even then Abigail should be before Chloe because of this:
    When two people have the same winning number sort them alphabetically by their firstnames.
    So A goes before C.

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    It's worth as You see - there's no simple legacy method.

    I've implemented a regex api in my java code improving readability - what's with performance - IMO only wise programmer would judge that.

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    There is one nice book that I like, which you can read for free here. Other than that try to solve a few katas everyday and look at other people's solutions (you can learn a lot just by looking at the top voted solutions). If you get stuck on a kata try googling or go to stack overflow and search for your problem.Since this question isn't really related to this kata I'll mark it as resolved...

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    Also make sure to mention what language you're using.

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    It's easier to help you if you post your code here. Put it between pre and code tags, like so: <pre><code>your code</code></pre> Also, if you have "greater than" or "less than" signs anywhere in your code, use the necessary escape sequences, so they aren't interpreted as the beginning or end of tags.

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