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    If you do lowercase the other letters, the random tests will fail because the include random capitals within strings.

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    I was very annoyed with this kata because I coded to the spec but was then surprised at the non-standard definition of camelcase. Consider these tests that work with the final solution:

    Assert.AreEqual("hELLOWORLD", Kata.ToCamelCase("hELLO-wORLD"));

    I looked it up and TitleCase is technically considered to be camelCase, but this is not the definition most developers are used to.

    I guess in the end this was a lot like real life requirements, but I get enough of that at work :)

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    ✘ Expected: equal to theStealthWarrior
    Actual: theStealthWarrior
    ✘ Expected: equal to theCatIsCute
    Actual: theCatIsCute

    C++ result \0 at the end of string idk why this result ?