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    Interesting kata.

    But... I've had some issues trying to solve it using R. The console won't let me install nor does it acknowledge the series package, even though this package was released with R's version 2.7 and the platform uses 3.4.1. Even though I could load the stringr package, there are some functions I could use and others that I couldn't.

    Maybe the kata is meant to be solved using base R, but would appreciate it a lot if someone from Codewars could look into it.

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    random -> N: 7 W 1393
    fail -----> ACTUAL: 239.23526289370076 EXPECT 239.23543490245336

    The true answer is around 239.235262893700738, the reference solution is too far from it.

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    In prolog, attempting to load clpfd causes full tests to always timeout.

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    C fork

    • adding random tests
    • better assertion messages
    • removing the reference solution from preloaded
    • it is explained what kind of pointer to return
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    variable naming is the hardest part about the problem, it's very badly done.

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    I passed basic tests, and on test1 assertion fails with a diff. On my side, i tested with a random string with ascii from 32 to 125 and the pipeline code(decode) give me the same result as input. :/ Has someone any clue about this? (doing it on java)

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    In C in the envioroment of codewars server unsigned long long does not support numbers > 20!.

    So, in this kata C version would be good to state that in description.


    change input and output parameters of the functions from unsigned long long to const char*, but in such case complexity of the kata would increase.

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    This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution

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    The Rust translation needs some work.

    • Tests should be in a tests module with #[cfg(test)]
    • &[_] is more idiomatic and flexible and should always be preferred over &Vec<_>
    • -> () return type is moot and discouraged.
    • The spacing should be inline with rustfmt, which leaves an empty line between functions, and spaces lists as [a, b, c] instead of [ a,b,c ].
    • The todo!() macro is a more idiomatic way to mark unwritten code, rather than a comment that fails compilation.
    • The type for a function that takes 2 i64s and returns 1 is fn(i64, i64) -> i64. The user shouldn't have to write their own function signatures.
    • The reference solution is needlessly complex.
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    I couldn't figure out what the problem was for a long time, eventually I gave up. It should be clarified that sometimes there are less than two decimal places.

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    The Java translation has no random tests.

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    one random test with 96682790625023136 is waiting this: [66827906250231369, 0, 17]. but if we will take '0' at index 11 then get 9668279062523136... it is lesser. what am I doing wrong?

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    I am getting this Error - 'Error: the string "Expected New Average is too low" was thrown, throw an Error :)'. Any idea what does it mean?

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