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    Thanks a lot! Best error in my life: 0 <+ c instead of 0 <= c... couldn't find it.

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    I must be seriously missing something or I'm too tired today.


    What's the 8 moves solution to this? I can only find 9 moves one. Would greatly appreciate the answer :)

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    If I'm not mistaken the two scripts are swapped - the one without an address is required when there's an address (unless I'm too tired right now :) )

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    Very interesting kata, thank you for all of your hard work! :)

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    The only issue would be with names/surnames which are a part of another name/surnames
    (I'm ignoring the fact that if there would be two people with the same name and surname
    as there would be no good way to distinguish between them).

    Have a look at this example:

    'Abe Gutmann'
    'Abelard Gutmann'
    Both would get matched if 'Abe Gutmann' would be in customers.
    Any idea if there's any other way to prevent this with something else than this:
    lower(p.full_name) ~* '.*\yabe\y.*' AND lower(p.full_name) ~* '.*\ygutmann\y.*'

    PS: Thanks for all your great katas! I'm finally back to codewars :)

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    Holy crap this was hard. I'll share my solution tomorrow :) thank you so much! No idea how you come up with all those clever solutions... took me a while to get it working ;) Rated as 2kyu, will think of rank a bit more after there'll be some more solutions.

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    By all means I have no clue what is the best approach for this kind of problems - I lack knowledge :D but the idea I had in mind seemed to work rather nicely for most cases :) I'll surely try to improve on it soon, just trying some other katas for now :D @smile67 - keep at it! I'm always amazed how short your solutions are compared to mine :P

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    Thank you very much @docgunthrop. Kata approved. Looking forward to recommendations of beta katas to solve on gitter channel.

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    Congrats myjinxin!

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    No issues found, it's great fun! Thank you :) Ready to be approved, shall we do this? :)

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    It's a shame that such a good katas are in beta for so long. Will try to convince some people to solve this :) Thank you for your hard work!

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    It's easier than it sounds. I guess reading description can be a bit scary? :)

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    Great kata! Hmm, hard to rank this one, I think it's 4kyu. It's really easy to pass tests even without any optimizations :)

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    I'll try minesweeper in a few days, so stay tuned! :)

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    @smiks I'll try it out most likely tomorrow.

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