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    There are no old-style classes in Python 3. If a class doesn't inherit from anything than it is implicitly inherits from object.

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    Exactly what I was thinking

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    Thanks for reporting. We deployed a fix.

  • Custom User Avatar

    Thanks. This should be fixed now.

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    I've been attempting to post solutions to the "Simple CSS selector comparison" kata. I've gotten multiple timeout errors against what appear to be correct solutions.

    When the error message "Submission timed out. Please try again." comes up, I see an Uncaught Reference Error: request is not defined in the console:

    Uncaught ReferenceError: request is not defined application-a1801b69804e9a06ac6790982e01d0a3.js:33
    (anonymous function) application-a1801b69804e9a06ac6790982e01d0a3.js:33
    f application-a1801b69804e9a06ac6790982e01d0a3.js:15
    l.fireWith application-a1801b69804e9a06ac6790982e01d0a3.js:15
    i.(anonymous function) application-a1801b69804e9a06ac6790982e01d0a3.js:15
    r application-a1801b69804e9a06ac6790982e01d0a3.js:31

    Not much help with the minification on, I suspect, but it might tell you something!

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    I didn't actually open my console at the time. I will write better bug reports in the future. :)

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    Issues seem to be resolved now.

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    This should be resolved now.

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    What "focus" do you have selected? If you have fundamentals selected then it might just be that there are not very many challenges yet. Python was just recently added a few weeks ago so the content is still being built-up. The "focus" is the dropdown on the dashboard just below the language dropdown.

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    Sorry for the issue. We are deploying a fix now that should handle this issue. Did you happen to notice any ajax errors in your console by any chance?

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    This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution

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    I'm working on the Python track.

    Periodically, when I submit to run tests, the process will hang on "waiting for results". Typically, this happens when I have submitted an erroneous solution previously, and I have tried to make corrections. Reloading the page won't help; resetting the kata won't help. I can neither run tests nor submit.

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    Ugh, not best practices to use old-style classes.