love switch!
danm i spent 30 min wondering if i couldve used math.max
I did almost the same thing. Your code is good, deserves more upvotes
I have got the same approach but I divided every action in a different line. This way more readable for me. I failed to make a sandwich like you did, still need to train.
It is good to have everything in one line. Saves code space. Good job.
Love this one!
really clever meethod
same solution!
This is beautiful btw.
This solution do really clever!
Please use spoiler flag next time.
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love switch!
danm i spent 30 min wondering if i couldve used math.max
I did almost the same thing. Your code is good, deserves more upvotes
I have got the same approach but I divided every action in a different line. This way more readable for me. I failed to make a sandwich like you did, still need to train.
It is good to have everything in one line. Saves code space. Good job.
Love this one!
really clever meethod
same solution!
This is beautiful btw.
This solution do really clever!
Please use spoiler flag next time.
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