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    That's a good example of using EBNF.

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    Oops. Fixed, thanks!

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    Factor: “Should return f for valid parentheses” should read “Should return f for invalid parentheses” in tests and sample tests.

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    nice code, but calling rollback repeatedly will pop an empty stack eventually.

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    the description could make it clear that rollback() has to support the entire history of versions, not just the last version

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    okay, i checked your code, you made the same mistake as me initially, rollback() has to support the entire history of versions, not just the last one. i think the description should make this clearer

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    Ok I completely read over that part. Perhaps because of all those capz.

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    The input will be in one of the following formats: "{MAJOR}", "{MAJOR}.{MINOR}", or "{MAJOR}.{MINOR}.{PATCH}"

    This implies that major and/or minor are optional.
    That anything after patch should be ignored can be viewed as a convenience (i.e. "we have the values we need, anything else doesn't break things so we'll just silently ignore it").

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    that's the thing with input validation in kata's, either it should be very clear, logical and consistent, or you should not have to deal with validation at all; this is in between, which is messy

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    i'd add that converting from an empty string to a default value, while there is already an overload / default argument to handle the case nicely, is awkward

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    I don't really like the argument validation. 1.h is an expected error, but 1.2.5.h is not. At least, that is what I make out of the spec.

    • Why is noice after 3 apparent version numbers ok, but not after 1?
    • I don't see the spec mentioning Minor and Patch are optional arguments.
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    please tag this as a question, not an issue. it is very likely that the error comes from your code, not the tests suite, as 160+ people passed the Java version without complaints. are you making sure that your methods are chainable ?

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    First of all this is a really nice Kata which I enjoyed, thanks for that! :)

    Still cannot get it submitted (Java translation), although I think I have a rather stable implementation.
    The random tests are always failing with smth like expected:<[53.4.63]> but was:<[VersionManager.patch()]>.
    It appears to me as if there is some reflection magic at work, which does not seem correct.

    Can you have a look?

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    has been approved

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