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    I am going to close this issue as obsolete. I cannot reproduce the problem now, but it was most probably caused by overwriting the name test in concatenated test fixture, which does not happen anymore.

    If the issue persists or comes back, please re-reaise.

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    How have do you converted it to normal int? I'm trying to do [[int(j) for j in result[i]] for i in range(9)] or with map() to convert from numpy to a list of ints and it's slowing down too much
    Edited : i've used arr.tolist() but it's still too slow ;_; guess my solution is not good enough

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    Currently Codewars platform is experiencing issues.

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    I'm doing the following line in the assertions:

    solution =  solve(...)
    flat_solution = list(itertools.chain(*solution))
    only_int = all(type(i) is int for i in flat_solution)
    Test.assert_equals(only_int, True, "You're solution shound only contains int")

    now I don't know why you're solution isn't completly iterable but I may assume something wrong?
    Tell me if you find something please!


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    github issue submitted:

    Similar error today (not only on this kata by the way)

    I have the following when I try to test my code:

    Time: 125ms Passed: 0 Failed: 0 Errors: 1
    Test Results:

       in <module>
    AttributeError: 'function' object has no attribute 'expect_equals'


    AttributeError: 'function' object has no attribute 'expect_equals'