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    Just for your information, I didn't close the discussion, I resolved the kata issue, because there was no kata issue to begin with:

    JavaScript Completions 42769

    The problem is in your code, and I already gave you a hint for you to figure out where your problem is. From that point, it's your job to fix it, not mine. Next time, be more humble and accept your code is not perfect as you think it was. You're probably testing your function outside Codewars with a different type of input, so it obviously won't work here.

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    The user closed the discussion without fully assessing the problem of incorrect task testing!!!

    This is not true, and please do not report posts which are not abuse, or which are not otherwise eligible for reporting. All of your three solutions are incorrect because they use input array incorrrectly. Your code of all three solutions does not present any example of "a problem of incorrect task testing".

    Read this to see how to post properly formatted code blocks: .

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    Those 3 solutions are wrong, why are you using the spread operator? Not a kata issue. Read this too: