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    George lives on the ground and wants to send a number in binary to Isaac in the ISS by painting giant dots in his yard.
    Thankfully, George and Isaac have done this before, so George's yard already has a bunch of dots painted.
    Each dot will take a single bucket of paint to change.
    Given George's yard's current number in decimal and the target number in decimal, how many buckets of paint should George buy total?

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    Which test? there are litterally two types of tests and 6 tests in total.

    If you mean the example test case then I already fixed it and it should be correct if you do the Kata again.
    EDIT: Don't know how or why, but I just fixed it, again.

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    That's on purpose. All katas in the series check that there's no extra whitespace allowed - if you follow good regexp hygiene (in Ruby /\A...\z/) all of them will automatically pass. If you follow bad regexp hygiene, test is trying to teach you, because you'll run into this problem IRL and you won't be able to argue with it that it's unfair.