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    this is very sophisticated. guys please help me understand it. why doesn't list(b) work in place [b]?

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    Thanks for the feedback FArekkusu, it's my first Kata and I'm working to understand how all this works.

    I did not know that there was a function called filter. I've changed that. I'll make sure next time I check builtins!

    How should I handle the input to make sure the user is not changing it?

    Now I see it's a duplicate so it makes no sense to keep it. But I'll want to know better these things for the next time I try.

    P.S. Also, I've found and error on the random tests I built. So just a mess of a Kata e.e'

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    • The function is shadowing a built-in
    • The user can modify the input
    • Duplicate