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    sth i made on my own (i dont think ill reveal it? if youre interested u can read up here and try to implement one yourself, or perform it by hand)

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    u shld make more meaningful changes than replacing hello with 'awan'

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    i regret looking at this

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    yes i used a program to convert it (i wrote the program myself tho)

    heres the original code

    import string;ceasar=lambda s,n: "".join([c for c in map(lambda c: (string.ascii_lowercase[n:] + string.ascii_lowercase[:n])[ord(c)-97] if c in (string.ascii_lowercase[n:] + string.ascii_lowercase[:n]) or c in (string.ascii_uppercase[n:] + string.ascii_uppercase[:n]) and c.islower() else (string.ascii_uppercase[n:] + string.ascii_uppercase[:n])[ord(c)-65] if c in (string.ascii_lowercase[n:] + string.ascii_lowercase[:n]) or c in (string.ascii_uppercase[n:] + string.ascii_uppercase[:n]) and c.isupper() else c, s)])
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    i think u could repeat this endlessly but im not sure i can copy all the text

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    i saw someone else do this first and i thought it was really cool so i figured out how to do this myself XD

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    whats the comment spoiling tho? its not a solution

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    a = (callable((6,9)).__eq__(isinstance(420, float))).__doc__[69-3*10] # my fav
    b = bytes(1337).__str__()[0]
    c = __import__("this").s[69-2]
    d = [4,2,0].__repr__.__str__()[6]
    e = NotImplemented.__str__().__doc__[727-700-20]
    f = type(breakpoint).__repr__.__str__()[(__import__("functools").reduce(__import__("operator").__sub__, map(ord,["z","`"])))]
    g = None
    h = None
    i = __import__("typing").Awaitable.__doc__[727-700-20]
    j = None
    k = None
    l = bytes([1,3,3,7]).__eq__(bytes(727)).__str__()[2]
    m = __import__("re").__doc__[int(f"{2**2}{2**2}")]
    n = None.__repr__.__str__().lower()[3+3+3+3+3+3+3+3+3+3]
    o = open.__doc__[(727**69+420-1000-300-30-7+1337)**(694-20-600-70-4)-1].lower()
    p = print.__repr__.__str__()[int(f"{11**2}".replace("2",""))]
    q = None
    r = type(repr.__doc__[2**2]).__repr__.__str__()[727-700-20]
    s = isinstance("i ran out of ideas for funny numbers", complex).__str__()[len("so im doing this to make it look like im super smart")-7*7]
    t = (7).__eq__(21).__eq__(False).__eq__(True).__str__()[0].lower()
    u = __import__("__hello__").__str__()[4]
    v = None
    w = None
    x = bytes(help.__doc__,'u16').__repr__.__str__().lower()[40+7]
    y = exec.__doc__.__str__()[7+7+7+7+7+7+7+7+7+7+7]
    z = None

    i got lazy at some point

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    u can try this but using the zen of python for the characters

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    u are nuts 🔥🔥

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    yea i tried to find the seed by leaving it running n gave up after a while

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    doing a bunch of pointless math operations could be funny too

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