The Example tests seem to warn for names with accented vowels in them. This then doesn't happen in Submit tests.
Either remove accented letters from the kata completely, or test consistently between example and submit tests ( ie, add fixed and random tests expecting both trueandfalse for names with accented vowels ).
Can we add new test cases for Lua to assert that NIL and Empty String ("") are also validated?
Because I ran through some solutions for Lua and they work only for valid input and don't work for NIL values.
Or at least remove the requirement from description
( JS, possibly others )
The Example tests seem to warn for names with accented vowels in them. This then doesn't happen in Submit tests.
Either remove accented letters from the kata completely, or test consistently between example and submit tests ( ie, add fixed and random tests expecting both
for names with accented vowels ).Description promises us a "String" that is specified to be a first name, either hyphenated or not. So
return true
should solve the kata.That is, supposing
is that string, in which case it is horribly misnamed.I don't suppose things work that way, but it is unclear how things are supposed to work.
Can we add new test cases for Lua to assert that NIL and Empty String ("") are also validated?
Because I ran through some solutions for Lua and they work only for valid input and don't work for NIL values.
Or at least remove the requirement from description
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You could possibly list all the possible accentuated characters that may appear in the tests in your Kata description.
Add a test to cover the proper existence of a
, e.g.