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    Can we make this not a spoiler? It really should be included in the description of the kata.

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    The .toString() is actually unneeded as you're already dealing with the string prototype. i.e., only strings will be able to call this upon themselves.

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    I feel like you're splitting hairs. NaN, literally not a number, is of type number because there is no other primal it could be attached to. Would it be attached to a string? Array? Boolean?

    From the ECMA 2015 specfications it says that NaN is "number value that is an IEEE 754-2008 'Not-a-Number' value." What about positive and negative infinity? Those are also "number" values that don't directly relate to a number but are under the number primals.

    You should either specify that non-numerical number types should be accounted for or admit that your test case was ill-concieved and that it's illogical to try and add NaN, infinity, or -infinity.

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