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    Everybody should know that number of inhabitants is an integer. In case somebody has forgotten it is explicitely recalled in the description by : (** number of inhabitants is an integer **).

    When I print the inputs, it only shows up for the test cases I got right and not for the one(s) I got wrong.

    Wrong. With your printing you got:

    3 should equal 4

    which clearly shows the parameters, your result and the expected result.
    I understand your frustration for having passed a lot of time in a simple 7 kyu kata but I confirm that "iT's nOt a KaTa iSSuE" and "tHoUsAnDs oF pEoPLe DiD iT jUsT FiNe BeFoRe yOu iN yOuR LaNguAgE.":-)
    Cheers and good luck in coding.

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