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    Java: Test suite produces invalid "expected" results. Example: expected:<-3.888888888888889[] is freezing tempera...> but was:<-3.888888888888889[3] is freezing tempera...>

    Apparently this is the same issue as has been reported multiple times in the past year and marked resolved, but is not currently functioning correctly.

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    Hi evgeny.kurilenko (and g964),

    Short answer: replace "Arrays" with "java.util.Arrays"

    Long answer: This issue is caused because the compiler can't find the "java.util" needed for Arrays. If "import java.util.Arrays" doesn't work, then you can replace "Arrays" with "java.util.Arrays".

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    Hi Zanteth,
    Is it possible your string no longer has an item at index 11 due to removal of duplicates?