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    Because only rows 1 & 2 are reported. Row 0 becomes [0,0,0] after 'S', and the instructions state that the smallest possible array is reported where any row or col has any element > 0.

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    Thank you Geoff for replying, I am currently thinking about ways to achieve that.

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    After a bit of reading my solution is probably O(n^3), way off the mark! I'm having trouble imagining another solution that doesn't get into more loops to perform some sort of look-around (effectively my original solution). Memoization seems a bit of a stretch also (but I may be wrong).

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    You don't need a sieve to calculate prime factors. Its OP. Look at trial division.

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    Yes, I'm aware of that one as well. @functools.cache is a newer version of lru_cache and supposed to be faster, but is > 3.9 only.

    Turns out memoization wasn't the solution to my problem anyway.

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    Oh! My bad, it's a 3.9 addition. I'd read the docs wrongly. Apologies.

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    Are the newer Python 3.8 decorators supported? I'm trying to use @functools.cache and receiving an error after functools is imported. This works fine locally on my machine. I want to use this to memoize my functions as I'm currently hitting the execution timeout on the full test suite.

    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "", line 1, in <module>
        from solution import *
      File "/workspace/default/", line 3, in <module>
        class DirectUnweightedGraph:
      File "/workspace/default/", line 37, in DirectUnweightedGraph
    AttributeError: module 'functools' has no attribute 'cache'
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    Chrono79, thanks. btw, sorry for flagging it as an issue instead of a question. First discourse post, etc. etc.

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    Now you're asking! Possibly eastern syllabic languages but I'm no expert. eg Tibetan has it's own punctuation for ends of sentences etc but nothing AFAIK for 'word' delimiting. I can't read it, I just chant it...

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    Agreed, that feels very artificial just to simplify the splitting process and thus the testing process. I coded mine to deal with the eventuality there isn't a space before punctuation.

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    Agreed, that feels very artificial just to simplify the splitting process and thus the testing process.

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