3 kyu
Custom User Avataremaclean
Eastside Preparatory School3,991
2 kyu
Custom User Avatarjfellows
Eastside Preparatory School3,761
2 kyu
Custom User Avatargunnarmein
Eastside Preparatory School3,088
3 kyu
Custom User AvatarArcitech
Eastside Preparatory School1,223
3 kyu
Custom User Avatarhsamuelson
Cornell University1,230
4 kyu
Custom User Avatardmavid
University of Chicago930
4 kyu
Custom User AvatarSam FK
Harvey Mudd650
4 kyu
Custom User AvatarSquatterPillow8
4 kyu
Custom User AvatarMobileGodLUL
University of Chicago628
4 kyu
Custom User AvatarTEspelien
Worcester Polytechnic Institute627
4 kyu
Custom User Avatarwdhorton
Harvard University574
5 kyu
Custom User Avatararjunv12
Eastside Preparatory School574
5 kyu
Custom User AvatarDerrick Ou
The University of Hong Kong518
5 kyu
Custom User Avatarwesvorley
Eastside Preparatory School497
4 kyu
Custom User Avatartmightyquinn
Eastside Preparatory School438
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