You have some things wrong, but to explain what actually happens would make two chapters of a good book on regular expression ( the one on capturing groups, and the one on how matching actually works ).
I really don't feel like writing that book ATM. Try finding some write-up somebody will doubtlessly have done already. You now know what to search for.
this is a good use case for this method
Wow, new method, thanks!
that was really great 🤯🤯🤯
good solving:)
So clever.
eval is evil
Big brain!
woooow, well done man!
Ok, this was a neat trick. Well done.
roughly 10-20% more efficient from random tests
Whats strange is y==alphabeth[i] outperformed y===alphabeth[i]
Nothing significant, just 3-5% in favor of ==, but I would have suspected the opposite
I forgot that method exist, lol.
Thanks Johan! I have a lot of things to read about so I'll come back to this as soon as I have time xD
You have some things wrong, but to explain what actually happens would make two chapters of a good book on regular expression ( the one on capturing groups, and the one on how matching actually works ).
I really don't feel like writing that book ATM. Try finding some write-up somebody will doubtlessly have done already. You now know what to search for.
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