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    yeaa here's discord. Feel free to ask for suggestion and feeedback there

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    my pea brain couldnt do it

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    I'm not the strongest coder. Been on and off with python for a while now, and lately I've been more
    dedicated to learn. This Kata was extremely hard for me, definitely stretched my limits, I can't even believe I solved it. It's borderline spaghetti code, but I learned a lot doing this, I look forward to cleanining up the code for clarity.

    I will be looking at solutions to learn from, just wondering if others had a tough time with this as well and where they got stuck for extended periods and how they overcame it.... ok blab over just got a rush from this and am excited to discuss.

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    took me minute to figure out. Holy snikees. Love this solution.

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    This is a tough one for me. I'm fairly new to coding. I know that I have to recursively call n-1, probably in a while loop. Just not what the base case is.
    I get way more values than I need in the result. Any tips or articles would be greatly appreciated. (I'm not from a math background but am tyring my best to grok this stuff).

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    @Chrono79. Sorry I forgot to mark it.

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    Spoiler flag, please.

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    Nice work. Any idea if there is a way I can save solutions I like and want to learn from?
    (sorry for the newb question but I couldn't find anything in the wiki).

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    I get what is going on here. It's very clear. I have a question though, this looks very similar to a list comprehension but it's not in brackets, in is run with in the .join() what is this called I'd like to study/see more examples of this. Or am I over thinking it? I just didn't think you could pack that much logic in to a call. Am I overthinking it?

    Nice solution btw!

    you probably know this but you can start enumerate at any int... for y,x in enumerate(num, start = 1)
    might make code a bit neater, by removing the minus 1, in the (len(num) - y-1) portion of your code.

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    I'm having a blast with codewars. To think two weeks ago I wouldn't even know where to begin with this kata. While I feel accomplished for being able to complete this I would love some feedback on my code, suggestions etc, or any suggestions on improving would be greatly appreciated.

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    I admit, maths is a weakness of mine. Do you know of any good kata-collections and or training websites, that are similar to this challenge, but for a beginner?

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    thanks for exploding my brain this morning. I'll collect the pieces and study this =) appreciate the help.

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