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    after 4 years still works

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    That's great! What's the problem?

    Let's try and avoid victim blaming and focus on the cheaters, rather than those who want to share what they've learnt.

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    Admittedly I have posted things to my Github. Not for the sake of helping people cheat. The reason i use Codewars is because it is an awesome resource for improving my coding skills, and I love to learn from seeing how others solve problems once I've solved it myself. Another reason though, is that when I interview for a job and they want to see code that I've written, these solutions are good examples of my code. So naturally it's easy to just post the code up. I have renamed my repo so it's not searchable or obvious though. It hadn't really occurred to me that this would be a problem because, if people are "cheating" the site by stealing other people's answers, they are mostly just cheating themselves anyway. What's the point? To get ranked higher? The point for me is the solving, Not the points. If people want to fool themselves into thinking they are better coders because they cheated and got a higher codewars rank, i'm sure not going to lose any sleep over it.

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    呵呵, 国庆的时候, 没事, 做了一下。

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    On a related note, is it OK to mention the Codewars kata solutions in educational blog posts & screencasts? Like in: "Here is a nice functional way to find all hashtags in a string, inspired by a CodeWars kata solution: <some code>".

    Some of those 1-liners are elegant enough to share as "best practices" or "clever" with the rest of the world. Of course, it can be done without a reference to Codewars at all, but it is usually better if the credit goes where it is due (and attracts more interest to Codewars in this case).

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    Really glad to hear how much of a help Codewars has been for you. Keep up the hard work!

    Yeah in terms of why people post solutions to Github, I think its for either portfolio reasons or just because putting your code in Github feels like the right thing to do. I personally don't think its a big deal, I would just prefer that users don't mention codewars or the kata name within the repositoy.

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    It seems that some people use github merely to collect their solutions, not necessarily for cheating purposes.

    Additionally, perhaps if there was a way to provide assitance (in the form of hints or providing some subtle direction) to newer programmers who may be stuck on a Kata, they wouldn't have any impetus to scour for solutions. I'm sure if someone is here in the first place, they wouldn't look for a solution for the sole purpose of passing the Kata, as that would defeat the point of being here. They are most likely stuck and have no outlet through which to get past a particular obstacle and merely need a little nudge, which can be quite frustrating if they're stuck due to lack of knowledge in particular (rather than lack of creative problem solving in general). Maybe implement some type of chat feature where people can ask questions and receive immediate feedback?

    Mind you, I'm speaking purely from experience. Which on that note, I wanted to personally thank you for everything regarding this site. As someone incredibly new to computer science (2 weeks as of this post), this site has been, by quite a lead, the most helpful and constructive resource that I've used. I've literally recommended codewars to every single friend of mine involved in computer science. If not for you guys, my progression would have been significantly slower. Instead, I've accomplished months worth of learning in what is only two weeks. So thank you.

    My only complaint is codewars making me sit at my computer for 8 hours a day when I have other work to do, and preventing me from going to sleep before 3 AM. Boy is problem solving addictive :)

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    Yeah. Ideally they don't post. Next ideal is that they post under a project name that is not easily searchable or recognizable as being from CW. Least ideal is that they make the whole thing super obvious, which some people are doing.

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    The clojure timelimit is actually 10 seconds, while the other languages have recently been bumped to 6.

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    I went ahead and did it for AJFarmar.

    Can you please attempt this again?

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    Clojure is about simplicity, reinventing the wheel is not simple.