Edit: solved the problem. It's timing out, even though it doesn't say so. Try adding a test for n = 1000000, answer is 249998. Now you'll need a faster algorithm. :)
I have a Clojure solution that I believe to be correct (it passes all of the pre-provided test cases, and works in a Leiningen REPL on my machine), but when I submit the solution, it fails with the message "Unknown Error". There's no error message, stack trace, or other information.
In Clojure, all the tests pass except for the final one, it says "expected: (apply sum l) - actual: (not (apply # ()))". I'm pretty new to Clojure and am not sure why this error is being thrown. Is there something wrong with my code, or is it the kata?
Not an issue
I think my solution is pretty fast but I got the "unknown error" message
user=> (time (zeros 1000000))
"Elapsed time: 56.465 msecs"
Me too :(
Edit: solved the problem. It's timing out, even though it doesn't say so. Try adding a test for n = 1000000, answer is 249998. Now you'll need a faster algorithm. :)
I have a Clojure solution that I believe to be correct (it passes all of the pre-provided test cases, and works in a Leiningen REPL on my machine), but when I submit the solution, it fails with the message "Unknown Error". There's no error message, stack trace, or other information.
Does anyone know what's wrong?
In Clojure, the namespace is called "leading-zeros" instead of trailing zeros. I think somebody made a small mistake.
The tests expect the function to return null when passed zero args, but this is not mentioned in the description.
More than a handful!
The kata has been completed too many times for it to be wrong, check your solution!
In Clojure, all the tests pass except for the final one, it says "expected: (apply sum l) - actual: (not (apply # ()))". I'm pretty new to Clojure and am not sure why this error is being thrown. Is there something wrong with my code, or is it the kata?
Me either.