Is there anyway someone can lead me to a doc as to explain whats going on in this solution? I solved it but my code looks very procedural in comparison and I'm always trying to learn new things. Thanks.
Is there someone I can ask about how this works? It's one of the few katas I've skipped over and want to gain an understanding for it. I can read how the hashes translate over, but I'm unfamiliar with the rest of the code.
Is there anyway someone can lead me to a doc as to explain whats going on in this solution? I solved it but my code looks very procedural in comparison and I'm always trying to learn new things. Thanks.
Is there someone I can ask about how this works? It's one of the few katas I've skipped over and want to gain an understanding for it. I can read how the hashes translate over, but I'm unfamiliar with the rest of the code.
Great solution. I originally was wondering how you got the increments to work then I broke down your variables and figured it out. Nicely done!~
I like this solution the best, very readable and straightforward. Great job!
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Thank you for that, I was able to add the additional code to make it work because of your tip on Sudoku.
For the "and work with int arrays" test case, perhaps add another out-of-order integer lower than 3, to prevent a loophole for that particular case.
Other than that, great challenge. I learned quite a few new things. Thank you for the kata!
Looks so much more readable than mine T-T I want to cry xD Well done!
I believe many new rubyist will find this a good exercise to learn about indices, it was a nice refresher for me.
Might be wrong but doesn't the
n x n
in the details of the Ruby version mean it's a square?Can someone explain how this solution works?
The background and goal for this kata made this super enjoyable. Picked up a few things I wasn't really thinking about before. Thanks!
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