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    Already reported below. And from the instructions it should switch to 'A'

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    Miss test to switch from 'Z' to 'a'

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    PHP translation kumited! Please review.

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    This is a duplicate to all the letter shift/caesar ciphers.

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    Correct. This has been fixed.

    ( By disabling only sqrt and pow from Math. )

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    I think there is a blank space after the value that you are returning.

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    Coffescript Translation Kumited! please accept :D

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    Java translation Kumited! please accept :D

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    nice work!

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    I have also got the same problem with this approach. Use setFullYear() instead of new Date().

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    Also failing this test - not sure why

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    This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution

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    There is a test case for upper letter Z missing.

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    Input: Quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog ,
    Expected Output: Rvjdl cspxo gpy kvnqt pwfs uif mbaz eph ,
    Actual Output: Rvjdl cspxo gpy kvnqt pwfs uif mbаz eph

    so expected output and actual output are identical, why it gives me an error?
    all test cases work out fine, but this.
    Is it some bug?

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    Either tests are broke or I am missing something.

    Any ideas?

    Input: JavaScript , Expected Output: KbwbTdsjqu , Actual Output: KbwbTdsjqu
    Quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
    Input: Quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog , Expected Output: Rvjdl cspxo gpy kvnqt pwfs uif mbaz eph , Actual Output: Rvjdl cspxo gpy kvnqt pwfs uif mbaz eph
    Computer Programming
    Input: Computer Programming, Expected Output: Dpnqvufs Qsphsbnnjoh , Actual Output: Dpnqvufs Qsphsbnnjoh
    Input: affectioned, Expected Output: bggfdujpofe , Actual Output: bggfdujpofe
    As Thou List
    Input: As Thou List, Expected Output: Bt Uipv Mjtu , Actual Output: Bt Uipv Mjtu
    Julius Caesar
    Input: Julius Caesar, Expected Output: Kvmjvt Dbftbs , Actual Output: Kvmjvt Dbftbs
    Romeo and Juliet
    Input: Romeo and Juliet, Expected Output: Spnfp boe Kvmjfu , Actual Output: Spnfp boe Kvmjfu
    King Henry IV
    Input: King Henry IV, Expected Output: Ljoh Ifosz JW , Actual Output: Ljoh Ifosz JW
    King Lear
    Input: King Lear, Expected Output: Ljoh Mfbs , Actual Output: Ljoh Mfbs
    Input: MACBETH, Expected Output: NBDCFUI , Actual Output: NBDCFUI
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