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    wow... for your second kata, I'm sorry to say it but... It's way worse than the first... x/

    • typos everywhere
    • some sentences almost do not make sense (especially, the wording of this one: the number of passangers is always growing by 10 % per cruise ( e.g 1th cruise - 10% passangers, 2th cruise - 20% passangers, 3th cruise - 30% passangers, 10th cruise - 100% passangers etc. ) the first part is inconsistent with what you describe after.
    • the description is long and not really limpid
    • you use some words in the description that do not match the arguments (especially, what is m??)
    • random tests test actually nothing (look at this => found that out of nowhere, digging about m)

    Honestly, you're not ready yet for authoring katas. You should gather knowledge an experience for some time before trying again.