This is invaluable feedback that I sincerely appreciate. It will without a doubt help me get my next kata correct! If you don't mind, when I release it, I'll let you know so you can take a look and give some immediate feedback so that it does go out of beta. :)
Also, typo in string - Return the result as a sting, for example if the result was 5000, then return "You should pay £5000 in tax", expect in the case when you get a result where you pay no tax, in which case return "You should pay no tax!".
I think zruF is right even without the additional description. 200000 is more than 150000 so 102000 would go into the third tax bracket and therefore wouldn't be considered as over 200000.
Very nice! Do you have additional climbing katas you're working on? I've been working on a couple myself, but my first one hasn't gone out of beta yet so I'm learning some initial lessons. :) I'd love to collab and get feedback if you're interested.
I think with this being a level 8, it should have a little more of a description/helpful text as to if you're looking for something specific. I have a lot of newbie friends that get on here and get stuck on simple stuff like this and then quit. Personal opinion! Thanks for the consideration.
Thanks @Tototo. You beat me to this response.
I'm very much enjoying these code golf challenges. ;)
Thank you Johan!
This is invaluable feedback that I sincerely appreciate. It will without a doubt help me get my next kata correct! If you don't mind, when I release it, I'll let you know so you can take a look and give some immediate feedback so that it does go out of beta. :)
Thanks again! :D
I would recommend adding additional fixed tests as well as random tests.
I got a lot of flack on my first kata for not having tests, especially random ones. Here's an article I found very helpful:
Also, typo in string - Return the result as a sting, for example if the result was 5000, then return "You should pay £5000 in tax", expect in the case when you get a result where you pay no tax, in which case return "You should pay no tax!".
I think zruF is right even without the additional description. 200000 is more than 150000 so 102000 would go into the third tax bracket and therefore wouldn't be considered as over 200000.
Hey Johan!
Sorry for the delay in the follow-up. It's been a crazy past couple of weeks for me.
Let me know what else I can do to make this kata stellar and get it out of beta! :)
Very nice! Do you have additional climbing katas you're working on? I've been working on a couple myself, but my first one hasn't gone out of beta yet so I'm learning some initial lessons. :) I'd love to collab and get feedback if you're interested.
Hey @mystery! Can you let me know what looks wrong about it? Thanks in advance!
Great kata! Nice work. :)
I think with this being a level 8, it should have a little more of a description/helpful text as to if you're looking for something specific. I have a lot of newbie friends that get on here and get stuck on simple stuff like this and then quit. Personal opinion! Thanks for the consideration.
Looks like you might need some translations! There are two of us that will be trying to help soon! :)
I'll absolutely do that. Do you have any verbiage you'd suggest? (I didn't write the translations but am more than happy to make it ideal. :)
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