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    yeah, I was definitely assuming familiarity with regular FizzBuzz -- I could add extra description at the end for those who don't know it I suppose

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    In this case numbers to be replaced by "Fizz" are multiples of 2, and numbers to be replaced by "Buzz" are also multiples of 2, so each multiples of 2 are then replaced by "FizzBuzz" (ie "Fizz"+"Buzz") like it's usual to do playing FizzBuzz

    Hope it helps.

    ; ) )

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    In your description you state to find the numbers whose multiples are being replaced by Fizz and Buzz. But one of the sample tests is Test.assertDeepEquals(reverseFizzBuzz([1,"FizzBuzz",3,"FizzBuzz",5,"FizzBuzz"]), [2,2]), I would expect the result too be [0, 0] as neither Fizz or Buzz are present in the array.

    Is the description incorrect or is it the tests?