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    The dot isn't in the allowed chars list. Not a kata issue.

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    This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution

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    Ah I understand now. Yes, tests for Node 8 worked differently, they did not require to use the require, but I think now docs on testing in Node 8 are not easily accessible anymore and it's not clear how to add own tests.

    The issue is valid, the kata should be either bumped up to Node 18, or some sample tests should be added. I will try to fix it later, or re-raise the issue with a proper description.

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    I'm not requiring any modules in my solution file, but the test file requires testing modules. So, the "TEST" button is unusable, but I figured out that I can still hit "ATTEMPT" button and error doesn't show up. I will mark the issue as resolved, because it doesn't keep me from attempting to solve, but "TEST"ing in CW env for this kata is still unavailable.

    I was missing one condition in my solution, where I can't use "=" symbol, I will fix it and retry later.

    Thanks for the response anyhow.

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    While this is true that this kata is not available in Node 18, enabling it still might not help. If you are trying to require a module which is not listed as supported by CW environment, enabling new Node will not help you. What module are you trying to require?

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    Javascript: Can't change node version to higher than v8.1.3. In drop-down menu, where you would select the language version, it says "Not available for this kata" when hovering over other options, like v18.x.

    I have a solution that works (tested locally) and I would like to submit it but can't, since tests include "require" keyword and it errors with "TypeError: require is not a function at ..." message.

    Please help, this will be my first solved 1kyu kata :( Maybe, I'm doing something wrong?!

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    I looked through the existing Java solutions and there are basically two types:

    • One using only String[][] arrays, coming out with 800-1500 characters.
    • One building an FSM and converting to regex which is at 2000-3000 charactes using Maps for the FSM or 3000-5000 characters implementing own types.

    None of them is golfed. Some even have comments explaining the algorithm.

    Of course, this is due to survivorship bias, so longer solutions will exist but are not passing.

    You might want to attempt/test your solution once that I can take a look at it.

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    Once again, I have no good idea why you focused on the golfing part so hard. There is no need to golf anything if your idea is not totally missed in some way. I am on my phone so its not easy for me to check exact sizes of existing solutions, but id estimate the shorter ones being around 500-1000 chars, long ones (including mine) around 1500-2500 chars, WITHOUT ANY GOLFING.

    You are not asked to golf your code. Theres no need to. You are expected to come up with a good idea for your solution, which for 1 kyu kata is not unreasonable.

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    The core of my algorithm is about 100 lines (about 5000 chars), excluding data types it needs declared and other boilerplate. I can probably golf everything down to under 5000 chars, but it's stupid to screw up my code in such a way, as it's outside the point of this exercise. Moreover, expecting people to write golfed code in the first place teaches bad and unrealistic practices.

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    I would say you are doing something wrong. My solution has ~120 lines, and nice solutions have like 50 lines. There is even a C solution which is 4 lines long.

    If you cannot fit into 5k characters, it sounds you need some much better idea.

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    5,000 characters is an absurdly low limit for a realistic, non-golfed solution to this problem, at least in Java. My solution to this is around 15,000 characters and it has no verbosity or repetition beyond what's typical for a Java program.

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    What must i do?
    Timed OutPassed: 13Failed: ?Exit Code: 1
    Test Results:
    Anti-cheating checks
    Test Passed
    Test Passed
    Completed in 3ms
    Testing divisibility by 1
    Should be well-formed
    (2 of 2 Assertions)
    Should reject invalid inputs
    (4 of 4 Assertions)
    Should work for any number
    (5 of 5 Assertions)
    Completed in 3ms
    Execution Timed Out (12000 ms)
    Why did my code time out?
    Our servers are configured to only allow a certain amount of time for your code to execute. In rare cases the server may be taking on too much work and simply wasn't able to run your code efficiently enough. Most of the time though this issue is caused by inefficient algorithms. If you see this error multiple times you should try to optimize your code further.

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    but i see it is matching could you please confirm again
    or maybe i am checking it wrong

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