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    This one was pretty good to review how to deal with boundary issue. Great job!

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    This was a nice exercise for C#. It allows one to explore a bit more arrays, which I seldom use.

    I did run into the problem with the precision point issue in the random tests. I kept submitting until it worked, as it was suggested by in the comments.

    Shouldn't there be a way in the test to reduce the expected precision in the answer?

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    So I ran into this weird behavior. For some reason the test was reporting expected as actual and vice versa. This made it difficult to see what the problem was. I kept matching the answer to the string that said what was expected, but it kept failing.

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    I am seeing the same problem.

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    Thank you for your gracious response :)

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    There may be an issue with the ruby grader.

    The instructions say that the numbers will be unique. I am seeing repeating numbers in the random array tests.

    This was one of the random arrays that it generated
    [-3, 0, -9, -1, -8, -4, 3, 6, -2, 0]

    No big deal. I sorted it and used .uniq() on it.

    Yet it failed in the random tests because it expected 6, yet my code gets 7.

    Hand sorted and taking away the redundant zero, this array lines up like

    We need 3 digits from -8 to -4, -7, -6, -5.
    We need 2 digits from 0 to 3, 1, 2
    We need 2 digits from 3 to 6, 4, 5

    That seems to be 7 digits.

    Yet I can be wrong. It would be that I am not considering a scenario.