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    he go through all values untill a square root of num as i inderstand

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    Hi humble,

    I had the same problem for a while. I just came back to the problem and solved it and naturally now I'm having trouble reproducing the rounding errors. Can you show how you are attempting to solve the kata and I'll see if I can spot what's going on?

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    got -1 in C#, too

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    This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution

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    got -1 in python

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    unfortunately, no (about a page). But you do not need to edit your message. There is a "spoiler" info hidden on the right of the "reply/edit/collapse" buttons of each message. When your mouse moves over a message, if you see "spoiler" in red, the message is already flagged. If it's blue, you can flag it (if needed!).

    Note: depending on your honor points, you may or not flag messages of other persons. In any case, you can at least flag your own messages.


    EDIT: about edition: rules are not se same everywhere if I remember well. Sometimes you cannot edit anymore your messages if somebody already wrote an answer. Sometimes... :/

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    use the spoiler flag when you comment solutions: these comments are visible in the dashboard of any warrior (I already flagged this message of yours)