  • // True, sorting could take an almost infinite number of processes... wish there was a way without 
    // using the Math class or a loop/recursion
    interface HighLow {
        static int[] findLargestAndSmallest(int[] nums) {
            if(nums == null || nums.length == 0) return null;
            int min = nums[0];
            int max = nums[0];
            int index = 0;
            while(index < nums.length) {
                min = (min < nums[index]) ? min : nums[index];
                max = (max > nums[index]) ? max : nums[index];
            return new int[]{min, max};
    • interface HighLow {
    • // IMHO with a function this simple and small,
    • // seperating it to even more tiny functions is just overkill and makes the code less readable,
    • // with such small functions you don't seperate for readability, but reusability. :)
    • static int[] findLargestAndSmallest(int[] nums) {
    • if (nums == null || nums.length == 0) return null;
    • // True, sorting could take an almost infinite number of processes... wish there was a way without
    • // using the Math class or a loop/recursion
    • int max = nums[0];
    • interface HighLow {
    • static int[] findLargestAndSmallest(int[] nums) {
    • if(nums == null || nums.length == 0) return null;
    • int min = nums[0];
    • int max = nums[0];
    • int index = 0;
    • for (int num : nums) {
    • if (max < num) max = num;
    • if (min > num) min = num;
    • while(index < nums.length) {
    • min = (min < nums[index]) ? min : nums[index];
    • max = (max > nums[index]) ? max : nums[index];
    • index++;
    • }
    • return new int[]{min, max};
    • }