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    Yeah, passing an object with key-value pairs would be the easiest (and proper) way to give a function "named arguments". I.e., you'd change the function from function fnname(arg1, arg2) to function fnname({arg1, arg2}), and change the code that calls it from fnname(val1, val2) to fnname({arg1: val1, arg2: val2}).

    However, the kata challenge here was to hotfix a pre-existing function that takes ordinary arguments, so it implies that you can't or aren't supposed to modify the function... you're just supposed to wrap it in a new anonymous function that figures out what arguments it expects and provides defaults.

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    The usual way to do this now seems to be using an object at the end of the arguments to store named arguments, kind of like kwargs dict in Python.

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    Not an issue

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    Not an issue

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    You're not handling closures correctly.

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    I'm getting this error on test 23 it says ReferenceError: five is not defined at eval at /home/codewarrior/index.js:90:52 at /home/codewarrior/index.js:115:5 at Object.handleError
    and the func passed into default arguments is var timesFive = function () { var five = 5; return function (a) { return five * x; }; }(); function (n) { return five * n; } which seems wrong.