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    You should add random test cases to avoid hard coded solutions.

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    I see, I will think about it. Thank you.

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    I posted in the discourse of your kata.

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    issue part:

    suggestion part:

    Since your kata has a so low satisfaction rate that there are almost no chances it goes out of beta and that other kata exists with the same (approximately) task to do, I'd suggest you unpublish this one and publish a translation of the one that is the most similar from the two above. But if the author isn't active anymore, you'll need a moderator to "hard copy" your translation directly in the edit panel (but note that you won't recieve honor/% progress, this way, unfortunately).

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    Hi, I have published my Kata for a while now and fixed all the suggestions/issues. What can I do in order to get it approved?

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    Thanks. Indeed, the description was hard to follow but it should be better now.

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    Looks nice! I'll take a stab later.

    The description really needs some paragraphs and formatting. Currently it's just a wall of text and it's hard to parse anything from it.

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    I have updated Kata now.

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    Good point. I thought Kata could be when it is about an elegant way to write an algorithm but I can surely reformulate it.

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    Thank you for pointing out. I have fixed that.

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    A kata which requires one to return just one value is not a kata at all (especially since the answer is already in the sample tests).

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    The class is named LuckyTickets while the Test expects LuckyTicket.

    Also, GetLuckyTickets is private, so nothing can access the method.

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    Thanks, I must forgot to copy the right version.

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    /home/codewarrior/fixture.cs(11,30): error CS0103: The name 'LuckyTicket' does not exist in the current context

    Assert.AreEqual(55252, GetLuckyTickets()); should be Assert.AreEqual(55252, LuckyTickets.GetLuckyTickets()); instead.