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    Ty byte I get it now. Took a min lol but I got it. thanks again.

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    What am I missing here?

    def swap_values(args):
    args = reversed(args)
    return list(args)

    When I print this it gives me [2, 1] but when i return it, it gives me [1, 2]. Tried every which way to no avail [::-1], even a for loop lol but could never get the return to pan out...only the print. I thought they had to be the same? Finally gave up.

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    I see now. THANK YOU for taking the time and clairifying that for me Jim.

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    I would have had this one but for one mistake. You also have to assume (s) is and empty string. Which means my s[-1] would not work and kept throwing 'out of index' errors. Could not figure it out lol until I gave up and looked at solutions.

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